
News, People

PMA Executive Director Rich Martone was among four outstanding members of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) New England chapter honored with the title of Emeritus Director on September 30. This title is awarded to recognize a distinguished career and continuing strong commitment to the organization through active participation, outstanding contributions, and example as a mentor and role model.

During the New England chapter’s formative period between 2000-2008, Rich was instrumental in growing its outreach and membership and served as its President for four of those years.

Rich began his involvement with CMAA New England while providing his expertise in construction management, cost control, scheduling, and dispute settlement on some of the most influential projects in the area, including the Central Artery/Tunnel project, aka ‘the Big Dig.’

Rich recalls that among the most rewarding accomplishments of his tenure was the outreach provided to construction management students in scholarships and increased student involvement. He and the board members also established a strong foundation that helped the chapter grow, including the website, newsletter, and training for the CMAA exam. Rich attributes much of the success to the support provided by PMA and the hard work of the CMAA NE Chapter Board of Directors.

“It’s a very important honor to be recognized by your peers,” Rich added. “Working with the board members was highly rewarding, and I am gratified by how much the chapter has grown into a much larger organization.”

To read more about this award and Rich’s fellow recipients, follow this link: