
Events, News

Western Winter Workshop

February 29th – March 3rd, 2024 

Hyatt Regency Indian Wells Resort & Spa 

PMA will be a sponsor at the 2024 Western Winter Workshop. For the past 63 years, the conference has attracted capital program executives, consultants, contractors, and organizations not only from the West Coast, but all over the world. It provides excellent networking opportunities and in-depth presentations on ‘asset-centric’ project management best practices and technologies for multi-owner infrastructure projects from the industry’s innovators. 

Challenges with Implementing New Lifecycle Project Delivery Framework in a Public Works Environment

Presented by Dina Keirouz (PMA Consultants), Keegan Fahey (LA County Public Works), and Walid Mortada (Pcubed) 

March 2, 2024 | 2:30 PM – 3:20 PM | Hill Room 

The presenters will discuss the reasoning behind creating a new organization focused on life-cycle project management, the new project delivery framework and the processes and tools supporting it, the impact the change had on the community and project leaders addressed this bold organizational change, and lessons learned. 

Visit our Booth

PMA will host booth #3, providing a space to network with industry professionals. Visit our booth for a live demonstration of our project scheduling software, NetPoint, and Project Summit.  

Learn more and secure your spot, visit the Western Winter Workshop website.