
Events, News

The 10th AACE International Congress on Cost Engineering – Transformation of Project Management with a Sustainable Vision virtual conference, hosted by the AACE Peru Section, will be held on November 10 to 12 and 17 to 19, 2022. 

Since 2013, the AACE Peru Section has been strengthening its presence in the country, focused on disseminating the recommended practices of AACE International through its Technical Talks and International Congresses. The event will be part of a 100% virtual experience, which allows greater dissemination throughout Peru and the Latam Region. 

PMA will present the following: 

Delivering the Value of a Digital Transformation  
Presented by Daniel Posada 
Fri. Nov 11, 2022 | 8:00 PM – 8:45 PM 

Digital Transformation (DT) is often downplayed as a software implementation, but it is much more. To stay competitive in today’s marketplace, organizations must integrate their business and technology plans to construct the overall strategy to reach their goals. Successful implementation of a DT increases the metabolic health of your business. A well-defined data plan enables the creation of new and better metrics and allows automated reporting processes that free up resources to focus on value-added activities. This presentation will outline the necessary steps to set up a successful Digital Transformation with the hope that business leaders see the true value of changing their organization’s operating model to thrive in the current environment. 

How to Get Accurate Quantitative Schedule Risk Assessments 
Presented by Tim Mather, Dr. Vivek Puri, Francisco Cruz 
Wed. Nov 16, 2022 | 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 

Performing schedule risk analysis has never been more rewarding. Monte Carlo simulations have become even more faithful representations of the modeled projects from systemic risks to risk calibration, benchmarking, and reference-class forecasting. But one central element continues to be overlooked. As a project gets underway, activities off the critical path (most of the schedule) are often deferred to standby status in favor of other work or to balance out resource utilization. When combined with uncertainty or discrete risks, this further pushes out project completion. In this session, you’ll learn why float-use risk matters and discover the only known solution for modeling it. PMA’s approach to risk analysis is based on over 20 years of experience on more than 350 projects with combined values exceeding $50 billion.