PMA People

Q&A with our People

Vivek Puri

, Phoenix

Vivek is involved with researching, developing and improving methods and tools for project planning, scheduling, management and risk at PMA.

What current project(s) are you working on?
I am working on the NetPoint, NetRisk & Schedule Analytics development team.

What is your career highlight so far?
I was awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (JCEM) 2014 Best Paper Award for my paper “Modeling of Simultaneously Continuous and Stochastic Construction Activities for Simulation”. Also, I was involved on two patent applications submitted with Dr. Gui and others. One more is in the works!

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry?
The use of technology, automation and artificial intelligence in planning and execution of construction projects. There is a lot of research going on in the field of AI based planning of projects. In theory, these AI’s can work with a fleet of autonomous robots which actually execute the project and provide feedback to the AI. Based on the feedback the AI updates the plan to account for variations and taking any corrective action if necessary without delay.

What university or college did you graduate from?
I attended Purdue University for my PhD and Indian Institute of Technology Madras (M.Tech), Panjab University, for my B.E.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?
My favorite spots are Millennium Park and the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.