PMA People

Q&A with our People

Shane Wilhelmsen

, Boston

What current project(s) are you working on? 

I primarily support design and construction of capital projects for MassDOT districts 3 (Worcester) & 5 (Taunton). This scope includes reviewing baseline, progress, and recovery schedules, as well as providing time entitlement analyses for multiple projects as needed by the districts. I am also on the team that just wrapped phase 1 of the MBTA COVID-19 claims task force, with phase 2 looking to begin in the near future.

Do you get to do something at work every day that you love? If so, what is it?

I love being able to analyze a complex problem and come to a definitive solution.

What is your career highlight so far? (at PMA?) 

The highlight for me so far is definitely all of the great people I get to work with at PMA. The PMA team is filled with incredibly intelligent, hard-working, creative, and fun people. I’m proud to have such fantastic colleagues and be part of the PMA team!

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry that makes you excited about the future?

I get very excited about the impact of new technology – smartphones & tablets allowing for faster data reporting from the field, drones taking site photos, improvements to project management software – all exciting stuff!

What was a transformative project or challenge that you did at PMA?

One of my most satisfying challenges has been working on the Building 9A/9B project with Dimeo Construction. The project involved building a large hanger to be used for submarine construction. The monthly invoicing was based on the project schedule, and as a government project there were strict requirements for cash flow reporting. It was a challenge, but it felt great to be a part of that team and achieve an on-time completion (especially with the final few months being during COVID-19).

Who/what inspires you to push yourself? (Personal heroes, family members, ideas)

My parents have always been incredibly supportive of me, and a major inspiration in all my endeavors.

What university or college did you graduate from?

I graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2001.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?

Well, for the past six months or so it’s probably just been my back porch grilling nice cuts of steak or salmon. But historically I love Widowmaker Brewing (right by our office in Braintree), and getting up to the North Conway, NH area!

Provide a fun fact about yourself?

One winter season I multitasked by doing an entire marathon training cycle on the treadmill while reading through the Game of Thrones series (A Song of Ice and Fire if you want to be literarily precise). Long books helped make the long runs go by!

Do you have any secret talents?

I like to think I can cook pretty well, but only if I have a very detailed recipe to go by without any experimentation/interpretation required. Cook until an internal temperature of 135 degrees? No problem. Cook until just slightly browned/fragrant/etc.? I’m mildly panicked. I’m an engineer, not an artist!