PMA People

Q&A with our People

Rachel Link

, Denver

What are you passionate about and how do you pursue that passion at PMA?

I’m a writing and proposal nerd at heart. I might be the only person on the planet who went to school intending to enter a career as a proposal manager.

What current project(s) are you working on? 

I just surfaced from a several-month proposal push and am currently building a colorful presentation about avoiding bottlenecks in proposal management.

Who/what inspires you to push yourself? (Personal heroes, family members, ideas)

My parents are boomers, so naturally I have the minimum 8-hour-day guilt. Say no more.

What are the most positive aspects of working at PMA? Or Share your impressions of PMA’s culture.

I’ve worked in a variety of environments and PMA’s people and culture are by far the best. Not only am I offered the freedom to manage my projects the best way for my teams and for me, but every individual I work with brings incredible energy and a sense of humor. At PMA, I have fantastic working relationships; my opinions and decisions are trusted and valued; and I get to be myself.

What is something innovative happening in your industry that makes you excited about the future?

I’m anxiously awaiting a switch from Deltek to AEC360. The program touts great user-friendliness, which always helps with efficient proposals.

What university or college did you graduate from?

BA, English Writing, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO, 2006

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?

Denver Cat Company! It’s a cat café where kittens and cats run free and play all day and they’re all up for adoption.

Provide a fun fact or secret talent about yourself.

In April 2021, I walk/jogged a 100-mile foot race in Southwest Utah. It was an incredible experience and an extremely beautiful place to explore for a couple sunrises.