PMA People

Q&A with our People

Nick Gendron

, San Francisco

What are you passionate about and how do you pursue that passion at PMA?

I am passionate about continuous advancement and positive progress. That drive is expressed in securing new clients, exploring new technologies to help our business, finding new markets, and it is also evident in my personal life. PMA has afforded me the opportunity to come to the Pacific Northwest and create a new business unit. I have also accomplished a lot of personal growth with PMA, moving closer to my family which has inspired me to get healthy and to reach the summit of some of my personal goals.

Who inspires you to push yourself?

My inspiration lately has been from the people around me. I moved to the Pacific Northwest during the pandemic, looking for new opportunities during a challenging time. With the support of the leaders at PMA and my loved ones at home, I have made great connections here, even in a work-from-home situation. I am anticipating pushing forward and finding the right projects and partners for PMA.

What are the most positive aspects of working at PMA?

The most positive thing I have to say about PMA’s culture is the inherent guidance to find what makes each of the employees happy and pursue it. I have said that I wanted to move to the Seattle area and start a new office from day one. With my determination and drive, PMA has stood behind me and supported me in doing just that. As a company, PMA is interested in their employee’s personal growth and fulfillment as much as their own.

What current project(s) are you working on?

I am working to build a strong clientele in the Pacific Northwest and to develop and grow a new office presence in the greater Seattle area.

What is your career highlight so far?

The highlight of my career has been the opportunity to work with my fellow PMAers. In my experiences on the GC side of construction, it is not easy to find such a high volume of decent and highly knowledgeable people. I have not met anyone in PMA that I could tell is “just going through the motions.” It is a great feeling to be a part of a team that has the knowledge, drive, and experience for any situation that I could find myself in professionally, and, even better, they are just a phone call away. I take pride in the fact that I work with such a diverse and well-informed team.

What is something new/innovative happening in your industry?

It has been interesting watching our industry handle the pandemic and adjust while still conducting business and holding networking events. I recently attended a conference virtually and gained a lot of knowledge while also making a few connections with local partners. Construction has done a great job adjusting from afar despite being such a hands-on industry.

What is something you get to do at work every day that you love?

I take the most joy in the feeling of being valued by my team and our clients. Working with clients who value our opinions and expertise is great. Being part of a team that can be open to PMA’s professional perspective makes me love coming to work.

From which university did you graduate?

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in construction management from the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

What is your favorite local establishment?

I moved to the area during the pandemic and haven’t had a chance to explore all that Seattle and Tacoma have to offer. I will have to get back to you on that!

Provide a fun fact about yourself?

Some of my fellow PMAer’s know that I climbed Mt. Rainier in 2019. I have not been able to get out and do any more climbing during the pandemic, but in 2021 I am planning to re-start my training and climb some of the large glaciated mountains here in the Pacific Northwest to get ready to attempt an ascent of Denali, possibly in a few years.