PMA People

Q&A with our People

Laurissa Maunze

, Chicago

What current project(s) are you working on?
As marketing coordinator for the Chicago office, I help support internal activities, such as our Lunch ‘n Learn series, and external activities like the NetPoint conference. I also make administrative decisions, assist in onboarding processes, help create content for social media and our newsletter, assist in responding to bid opportunities, and act as the building liaison.

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry?
In my role as a member of PMA’s social media team , I see the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook platforms become increasingly powerful ways for businesses to reach an expansive audience. Social media posts appeal to current and new customers alike, providing them with information, resources, and the ability to connect with a company in ways not previously possible. Within the organization, we have been utilizing Microsoft Teams, an instant messaging app similar to what you’d see with Facebook Messenger. This also has greatly increased communication and collaboration.

What was a transformative project or challenge that you’ve had at PMA?
The PMA Chicago office underwent a major renovation in late 2017. I was lucky to be part of the team who helped monitor progress and make aesthetic choices. Through this process I was given the opportunity to see how project teams collaborate and an inside look into what it takes to plan, prepare, and execute tasks. Our new open layout office is now so refreshing and welcoming that it’s nice to say I had a part in it.

Do you get to do something at work every day that you love? If so, what is it?
One aspect of my I job I really enjoy is working with a great team of friendly colleagues nationwide. Truly everyone is willing to either help or guide you to someone who can provide additional assistance.

What university or college did you graduate from?
I graduated with a BS degree in speech communication with a specialization in public relations from the Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?
One of the best parts of living in Chicago is being surrounded by art and activities. The summers are best when you can go out and enjoy the festivals, or a simple walk along the riverfront outside our office.

Provide a fun fact about yourself?
I initially went to university as a theater major, and though I made the right decision to switch, I still love performing.