PMA People

Q&A with our People

Jennifer Collazo-Benitez

, Orlando

What current project(s) are you working on?
I am currently working on a program for Johnson & Johnson in Puerto Rico that involves several plants from Puerto Rico, the US and Europe. I have been charged with developing an integrated schedule and cost report for various projects within the program.

What is your career highlight so far?
The highlight of my career in PMA is having the opportunity to be a client representative on breakthrough technology projects. These projects, while challenging, have given me the expertise necessary to further help our clients in new projects.

What was a transformative project or challenge that you did at PMA
A project that was a particular challenge was one for which I needed to develop a qualification and validation schedule while the technology to be used and qualified (continuous manufacturing) was still being developed.

From which university did you graduate?
I got to spend the best years of my youth at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus studying Civil Engineering when women were still a minority on campus, and in 1997 I graduated and joined the “real” world.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?
Although I love all kinds of music, I only like to attend classical music concerts. Since I don’t play any instrument, it is a true delight to see all those musicians perform; to me it is magic.

Provide a fun fact about yourself?
I love karaoke! Even though I don’t have a gift for singing, I compensate for it with enthusiasm. Every party that my husband and I host includes karaoke, so if you ever attend our house, be prepared to join in on the stage with a song.