PMA People

Q&A with our People

Ikram Siddiqui

, Newark Metropolitan Area

What are you passionate about and how do you pursue that passion at PMA?

I have always had a passion for mentoring my peers and learning from their experiences. At PMA, I appreciate that we are part of a culture where knowledge sharing is of utmost importance and we learn about various aspects of project management services, e.g., risk management, cost management, schedule management, value engineering, and construction claims.

What current project(s) are you working on?

I am currently working for a large utility client to provide cost control, funding, budgeting, estimating, and monitoring services for all transmission and distribution projects to reinforce electrical infrastructure.

I have been working for this utility client in New Jersey for the last 10 years and have experienced some challenging projects with complex designs which were built in collaboration with various client divisions and departments. Our client’s substations are being built in various cities throughout New Jersey where challenges could range from township, design, or permitting issues, as well as site constraints, all of which provide a great exposure to experienced professionals in the industry from whom I have learned much.

What is your career highlight so far?

My career highlight so far has been to work on the Fulton Street Transit Center, a prestigious project designed by a world-renowned architect and the product of collaboration between the Federal Transit Administration and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. In 2016, Fulton also became the first subway station in the city to receive a LEED silver certification for its environmentally friendly design. With up to 300,000 daily customers, Fulton Center is the busiest transit hub in Lower Manhattan.

My career highlight at PMA has been to provide service to my current client in light of the various tools and techniques developed over the last few years and to adopt them accordingly. The most positive aspect is not only to perform duties as cost control professional but also to act as a responsible single point of contact for all cost and budget need in a project management environment. At PMA, this position has provided me the opportunity to grow into a more tech-savvy cost controller by utilizing some of the best tools in the industry, such as SAP, P6, etc. PMA and its clients have always collaborated to develop tools to cater to various requirements of clients’ multiple departments and have constantly provided feedback for efficiency improvements.

Who/what inspires you to push yourself? (Personal heroes, family members, ideas)

I would say that my personal hero is my mentor, a cost manager/director, who provided me a launching pad to step into this industry of cost control almost 20 years back when I provided cost estimating support to a large nuclear generating station project for 6 years. It’s because of him that I am in this industry of cost control and estimating. He also provided me with the opportunity to be a point of contact for estimating support, which provided me with the insight to learn leadership skills.

My family has also provided support throughout my career, as without their help and support I wouldn’t have been able to be where I am. For the family I have to be a role model for my kids so that they learn the importance of hard work.

What are the most positive aspects of working at PMA? Or Share your impressions of PMA’s culture.

In PMA we function as a team where we can reach out to any professional who has a certain specific skill set for a particular sector. Over the years I have learned immensely from my seniors in PMA, evidence that PMA has a culture where employees can learn from each other and thrive in the industry.

I feel what makes the PMA unique in the industry is its in-house software development capabilities, e.g., NetPoint and NetRisk, which are technically advanced and have been in prevalent use in the construction industry. The Graphical Path Method is a product of the collaboration of software developers and construction professionals and demonstrates the diverse nature of skill sets within PMA. I have not observed this in any other construction firm throughout my career.

What is something innovative happening in your industry that makes you excited about the future?

The latest trend I am seeing is the frequent use of BIM and estimating software where all planning, estimating, budgeting, and control is being done hand-in-hand with great tools.

What university or college did you graduate from?

I earned my bachelor’s in construction management at Southbank University, London, UK.
I received my masters in project management, at the University of Reading, Reading, UK.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?

As I hail from Pakistan, I am an ardent cricket enthusiast and would enjoy watching a cricket match between Pakistan national cricket team and England or Australia at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia, or Lords Cricket Ground, London because they are the ultimate venues in the world to watch a cricket match. My favorite restaurant is the Cornish Pasty Company in Arizona, and I am always on the lookout for nice Mediterranean cuisine or Hakka Chinese food in the New Jersey and New York area.

Provide a fun fact or secret talent about yourself?

I know almost all the skyscrapers around the globe as well as their architects and builders.
I know almost all the championships that Pakistan and India have won in cricket matches around the world.