PMA People

Q&A with our People

Ernesto Toxqui Damian

What are you passionate about, and how do you pursue that passion at PMA?

I love hybrid roles, both professionally and academically. I’ve also looked for opportunities requiring multi-disciplinary skills. I love to wear different “hats” depending on the project: e.g. being a trainer in one; technical analyst in another; software/database developer; project controls specialist; implementing systems, etc.

What current project(s) are you working on? 

Most of my focus is on the LA DPW (Los Angeles Department of Public Works) as a project controls consultant.

Who/what inspires you to push yourself?

My family!!! if it were a recipe: some spoonfuls of competition, a gallon of patience and support, add a pound of respect, mix all until uniform, and bake it in important moments (warm it up as needed). Serve it with a spread of love and care. Ah, and spice it up with laughs to taste! (by the way, I don’t cook at all).

What are the most positive aspects of working at PMA?

One day I heard one of my managers said something like this: “PMA is big enough to make valuable contributions and small enough to be known/recognized.” And it’s true: we are visible, not just a number and we have the feeling of being proud of being a PMAer, a human-based technical firm.

What is something innovative happening in your industry that makes you excited about the future?

I am excited about the advance of technology (BI, AI, distributed computing, etc.) and the progress of new techniques in data science (artificial intelligence, new algorithms, etc.). We are in the times of breaking paradigms.

What university or college did you graduate from?

I earned my degrees from the following institutions:

BS in Industrial Engineering, Orizaba Institute of Technology, Orizaba, Veracruz, México, 1998.

BS in Public Accountancy, Universidad Abierta de San Luis Potosí, Orizaba, Veracruz, México, 2001.

MS in Computer Sciences, Orizaba Institute of Technology, Orizaba, Veracruz, México, 2003.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?

Different landmarks in the places I have lived:

In Mexico City: Fine Arts Palace, Independence Angel, Soumaya Museum, El Zócalo, National Auditorium, Chapultepec.

in NYC: Central Park, Times Square and the Brooklyn Bridge, the Hudson River (looking toward New Jersey).

Vancouver: Stanley Park, Whistler-Blackcomb, Capilano Bridge, Science World.

Calgary: Eau Claire, Banff, Sulphur Mountain, Lake Louise.

(It’s unforgivable to be in those cities and not visit those places!)

Provide a fun fact or secret talent about yourself?

Well, definitely I don’t sound exactly as I hear myself. Every time that I’ve been recorded, I have realized it’s not the sound that I have in my mind (let alone singing…).