PMA People

Q&A with our People

Eric Lowther

, Boston

What does your job entail as a Managing Director?
Along with a leadership team of Dennis Lucey, Wayne Beauregard and Angel Arvelo, I manage the project controls group in New England. That means identifying and winning new work, recruiting new employees, providing ample opportunities for existing employees to grow, assuring the services we provide are top notch, expediting payment of invoices and maintaining a professional, fun and supportive environment at a profit.

What current projects are you working on?
I am currently engaged on a number of projects here in New England. I am supporting MASSDOT in the resolution of a delay claim on the Longfellow Bridge Rehabilitation Project. I am providing interim project controls oversight on the MBTA’s Green Line Extension Project. The team and I have invested considerable time over the past four months pursuing and preparing for new work at Massport.

What is your career highlight at PMA so far?
There have been so many great moments over the years, but I would have to pick my recent twenty year anniversary because it is symbolic to me of all that is great about PMA. So much of today’s professional marketplace is highly transitory, however the factors that contribute to rewarding careers are not. Being appreciated, making meaningful contributions on important projects, being surrounded by those you respect and admire who are stable and enlightened, generous ownership, and a “do the right thing for our employee and client” ethos are why twenty years click by in the blink of an eye.

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry?
I am actively involved with two important innovative trends in our industry, GPM/NetPoint and the new generation of Project Management Information Systems (PMIS). NetPoint/GPM is heavily engrained in each of our assignments yielding new insights and collaboration every day. On the PMIS front, we are seeing a target rich environment of owners looking to invest in new PMIS systems as they embark on large capital programs. I expect that assisting owner organizations navigate the selection, design and implementation of new PMIS systems will be an important growth area for PMA in the next 5 years.

Can you tell us about some interesting places you have traveled to for work?
I have visited several very interesting places while traveling for PMA.

What university or college did you graduate from?Bring your daughter to work day
I attended Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY.

Fun facts?
When I’m not busy in the office, my wife Brigid and I are busy raising our six children: Conor, John, Maeve, Margaret, Clare and Eileen. We have a child in every even number grade. 12th, 10th, 8th, 6th, 4th and 2nd. This past summer I arranged for an impromptu Bring Your Daughter To Work Day. Perhaps there is a future PMAer in the bunch?