PMA People

Q&A with our People

Darrel Field

, Plymouth

What current project(s) are you working on?
I’m working on two Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) projects:
1) a biosolids dryer facility and
2) sewage sludge incinerator air quality control upgrades (installing scrubbers) at the Detroit Wastewater Plant.

What is your career highlight so far?
Coming onboard to PMA and spending six years, on-site, during construction at the Detroit Wastewater Plant.

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry?
The DWSD biosolids dryer facility is the largest of its kind in North America; the project is on a scale that no one else in the country has done before.

What university or college did you graduate from?
University of Michigan

What is your favorite local establishment?
Home, because that’s where my family is.

Fun Fact!
I went flying with my oldest son, AJ, after he got his pilot’s license, and he set the plane down in the middle of nowhere (actually a grass airstrip in Chelsea, MI). It was more exciting than I had planned for!