PMA People

Q&A with our People

Arunee Prather

, Greater Los Angeles Area

What current project(s) are you working on?

I am a member of the Innovation Team. I am helping the team develop the NetRisk application. NetRisk empowers project managers to accurately predict project completion dates and costs and is the only Monte Carlo tool that can model the risk of float use during simulation.

What is your career highlight so far? (at PMA?)

I enjoy being a bug hunter and code breaker. I search for a bug in the program and bring it down.

What was a transformative project or challenge that you did at PMA?

Implementing the Unifier system at the Port of Long Beach was my first PMA project and it was exciting and challenging.

Who/what inspires you to push yourself?

My boss, Seve Ponce de Leon, inspires me to push myself through his kindness and support. Working with people that truly care about your success and the work you produce is a great motivator for doing your best.

Do you get to do something at work every day that you love? If so, what is it?

Yes, I love coding. Joining the Innovation Team allows me to work close to the programming side. I can communicate with my application every day. Sometimes it goes on strike and doesn’t behave. But it’s fun to learn about its bad behavior and deal with it and bring it back to be a good application!

What are the most positive aspects of working at PMA? Or Share your impressions of PMA’s culture.

PMA not only cares about our success professionally, but also personally. By allowing me to be flexible with my hours and providing the option to work remotely, I can get my work done and still be present for my family’s needs. I admire how the company treats all employees with respect and creates an environment where I can feel secure and cared for.

What is something innovative happening in your industry that makes you excited about the future?

I am really looking forward to the success of the software applications that we are developing at PMA. They will be a great asset for project planners and schedulers, and I truly believe they will grow into the industry standard.

What university or college did you graduate from?

I earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and my MS in that field from Azusa Pacific University.

What is your favorite local establishment/feature (restaurant, museum, stadium, etc.)?

Huntington Library is one of my favorite places.

Provide a fun fact about yourself?

I love traveling and being active. I also love photography and I had the opportunity to participate in the Port of Long Beach’s annual photography contest last year! It was a really fun event and I got to have my work displayed at the Port along with the other participants. We actually use the photos I took for this event in our POLB proposals and SOQs.