PMA People

Q&A with our People

Andrew Chattaway

, Chicago

What current project(s) are you working on?
Being new to the Midwest I am focused on learning from the terrific team here and growing our Chicago Office business.  I’m very excited about bringing my experience from running our New York group to the team and seeking out new opportunities and challenges

What is your career highlight so far?
I’ve been fortunate to have the experience of performing project controls related work in many diverse industries, which have included everything from building a new refitting complex for nuclear submarines to making a Sony home video special with Elmo! But I would have to say working for PMA in downtown Manhattan at the Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center are experiences I can take with me and build on for the rest of my career.

What is something new or innovative happening in your industry?
I have recently been involved with our PMA VDC Knowledge Practice, looking at trends and new technology in virtual design and construction.  However, I have recently been very focused on Business Intelligence (BI) reporting and visual data analysis.

What university or college did you graduate from?
Plymouth College of Art and Design in the U.K. I specialized in photography, film and television, but I am proof that you never know where you are going to end up!

What is your favorite local establishment?
I am looking forward to exploring all the new restaurants and eateries that Chicago has to offer.  I am a bit of a foodie and also a music lover, so I think I have come to a great place to find both!

Fun Fact?
In my film production days when I worked at Broadway Video in NYC, I completely embarrassed myself in an elevator with Nicole Kidman! I was tongue-tied and a little star-struck.  It’s not every day you walk into an elevator and meet a movie-star!