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Nick Peterson HeadshotNick Peterson is a Senior Director with PMA’s Orlando Team. Nick joined the United States Navy in 1982 when he started his career as a Midshipman in Annapolis, Maryland at the Naval Academy. He graduated in 1986 and was immediately commissioned into the Civil Engineer Corps, which supports Shore Operations for the U.S. Navy, and includesSeabees, Public Works,and construction. Nick retired in 2006 as a Lieutenant Commander.  

Navy Career 

Nick’s first duty station took him to the Naval Air Station in Glenview, Illinois. He then went to the Naval Hospital at Great Lakes, Illinois where he served as the facilities director. Nick then went out to the Naval Station in Staten Island, New York, where he oversaw a Seabee unit that did various projects on the base. Following this assignment, he decided to pursue a master’s degree at the University of Texas. Upon graduation, he returned to the Naval Academy where he taught mechanical engineering for three years. Nick was then deployed to the NATO Base in Iceland for three years serving as the director of construction contracts. After that, he was sent back to Great Lakes, Illinois where he was responsible for running the operations at the Public Works Center and later served as Public Works Officer for the Naval Station nearby where they were rebuilding the Recruit Training Command. Nick subsequently began looking for his final job in the Navy and came upon an opening in Orlando, Florida where they had a position at a simulation command.  

Journey to PMA 

As he transitioned out of the Navy, Nick began his job search, discussing opportunities with multiple companies.  When Nick was interviewed by PMA, the local Managing Director was Jerry Neibert.  Nick had served as a young junior officer under Jerry, and this experience led to his decision to join the Orlando Office at PMA. Nick left the Navy and began working at PMA on the same day 

Transferrable Skills & Knowledge 

Nick feels that his time in the Navy prepared him well for his work at PMA because the work was very similar. Moreovermany of his positions in the Navy put him in the owner’s role, which allowed him to relate more to clients and understand their focus, particularly their plans and end goals for the project.  Nick takes pride in telling others that in his 35+ year career he has only worked for two companies: PMA and the U.S. Navy.