

PMA Technologies releases NetPoint Version 5.2

PMA Technologies introduces NetPoint version 5.2, a single tool for planning, scheduling, and analyzing the risk and reliability of project schedules. New functionality in version 5.2 allows project planners and schedulers to develop and analyze schedules for a more reliable result. Version 5.2 includes a new module called Schedule IQ™ that scores the reliability of your schedule based on compliance with PMA’s 20 Core Traits of a Reliable Schedule protocol and provides other metrics according to the DCMA 14-Point Assessment. The Schedule IQ™ Score helps project planners identify and repair the weakest parts of their schedules, resulting in more reliable overall scores.

Schedule IQ™ determines, for every weather profile, workday losses by month by accessing NOAA and randomly generates weather day calendars. It relies on powerful, nuanced weather algorithms to make it feasible for schedules to be credible predictors of progress and completion. As these processes are mastered, further innovation in weather management will fundamentally alter scheduling practice.
Dr. Gui Ponce de Leon, Founder and CEO of PMA, creator of the Graphical Path Method™

In addition to Schedule IQ™, version 5.2 includes other exciting new features. WBS customization allows you to organize activities into an easy-to-use hierarchy for summarizing data, laying out your schedule, and exporting to P6. Contract dates provides a new way to log changes to contract dates over time and see when a breach has occurred in the network. Resource importing saves time and effort when entering resources. You can use any Excel file to copy, paste, and enter resource names, categories, cost, colors, intensity, and patterns, and import them into your schedule. Fiscal Year Display adjusts the display of years and quarters to align with your organization’s calendar. Version 5.2 also includes keyboard shortcuts to change tools quickly and effortlessly using your keyboard, allowing you to keep your mouse on the canvas.

Since its commercial release in 2008, NetPoint has proven an invaluable tool to a variety of leaders in the project controls and construction industries. PMA Technologies continues to develop innovative ideas into practical solutions to inspire transparent, effective, and collaborative planning and scheduling.