

PMA Dabri presents skills training session as part of SFPUC’s Social Impact Partnership Program.

On Friday, July 26th, the San Francisco Public Utility Commission, in partnership with the CityWorks Program in San Francisco, CA, presented a half-day training on project management concepts as part of the SFPUC’s Social Impact Partnership Program. This training included hands-on project scheduling skills development using PMA’s NetPoint project planning and scheduling software.

The training was coordinated by SFPUC’s Tracy Zhu, Social Impact Partnership Manager, and Lindsey Lopez-Weaver, Program Manager at Young Community Developers. Bruce Stephan, Ajay Singh, Angel Ripepi, and Bonni Enwia, from the minority-owned business PMA Dabri JV, provided the training. The topics included:

  • Overview of Project Management
  • Overview of Scheduling
  • Role Play – Prepare a Time Extension Request with NetPoint
  • Overview of Estimating
  • Role Play – Prepare a Change Order Estimate
  • Overview of Changes and Claims
  • Role Play – Negotiate a Claim

The attendees included high school juniors and seniors as well as freshman and sophomore college students who participate in project/construction management internships with local consultants. Participants were enthusiastic about the career orientation of the training, including the passion of the presenters for their fields. The students greatly appreciated the opportunity to learn new software as well as the art of negotiation. The information was well presented and easy to follow, even without an engineering background.

PMA Dabri welcomed the opportunity to mentor and train qualified people in the specific skills needed to support the almost $1 billion SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Improvement Program. PMA Dabri previously carried out its community service orientation with the project/construction management training at Sonora’s Mother Lode Job Training center. This year, we turned our focus to the promising young people in San Francisco who are served by SFPUC. Our team has also recently provided an internship for a high school student as part of SFPUC’s Social Impact Partnership Program, which partners with local nonprofits and schools to train students in disadvantaged areas to become the workforce of the future. The program plays a key role by connecting SFPUC contractors and consultants with local non-profits to strengthen the economies of neighboring communities.