
Press Release

To our valued clients and partners,

We are grateful for your leadership in these challenging times and for your continued confidence in PMA and our people. COVID-19 has fundamentally altered our lives, both personally and professionally. As the world adapts to these new circumstances, we at PMA are taking some time to let you know what we are doing to maintain the same high-quality level of service you have come to know and trust.

We believe everyone shares a commitment to keep employees and their loved ones safe while maintaining continuity of business. To support these objectives and to be consistent with government regulations, most of our staff are currently working from home, and we remain fully able and willing to service your needs.

We are fortunate that this rapid shift has been smooth for PMA. We have always had flexible work policies, and in the past week, we expanded them to provide more support and guidance to staff. In addition, since many of our staff have been distributed and working in a virtual environment for some time, we are consolidating their best practices around office set ups, work routines, and communication to help everyone at PMA remain productive and connected in their home office environment. Most importantly, PMA is built on a culture that reinforces passionate, self-actualizing behavior. We have full faith and trust that our team will continue to do what it takes to take care of you out of their own intrinsic motivation.

For projects that are deemed essential businesses and that require onsite presence, PMA staff will continue to report to those client sites and will maintain regular duties as long as the client location follows CDC, OSHA, and other state and local government guidelines for a safe environment in both office and field conditions. Where PMA staff are onsite, we will be reaching out to you or to the site CM/GC to inquire about site health and safety practices, if we have not done so already.

Likewise, PMA has put new policies and procedures in place to safeguard the health and safety of our staff working in any environment. These include how to respond to reports of illness and concerns of exposure to others. We are happy to share these with you on request.

COVID-19 has quickly removed traditional construction industry barriers to staffing, creating a powerful, distributed PMA workforce that allows us to bring the full breadth of our knowledge and expertise to your projects. Accordingly, we have creative ideas on how we can extend support to your projects during this time such as:

  • Virtual interactive planning sessions (IPS). If your projects require replanning, PMA staff can facilitate virtual IPS using NetPoint over video conferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams.
  • Extended NetPoint trials. We are extending free trials for NetPoint, NetRisk, and Schedule MD to 90 days, and we are happy to provide several hours of introductory training to help you get started.
  • Delay analysis. If you have projects experiencing delay or disruption in the current environment, PMA staff can perform analyses on contractor schedules to evaluate extent of the impact and entitlement. Note we are more than happy to coordinate complimentary initial consultations on this topic, virtually of course.
  • Complimentary virtual lunch-n-learns. PMA staff can deliver video sessions to your staff on a variety of subjects in project management, project controls, risk management, claims management, and other aspects of project delivery.

We anticipate the industry will take time to fully adjust to this new style of work and the uncertainty around us. In the meantime, we aim to be a constant for you, with the assurance you can continue to rely on us as a trusted advisor for your essential project delivery needs.

Please let us know if you need anything at all.

Stay safe and healthy.