

We’re excited to announce that our new and redesigned website is live. The updated site includes changes to navigation, improved customer support, enhanced graphics, and a more interactive insights section. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of more minor but impactful changes, all to make your experience of the PMA Technologies site that much better for you.

When we started the project, we had big ideas, from updating company messaging to helping users get from one place to the next without skipping our most important content. Our central message on the homepage, Improve Project Certainty, exemplifies what we hope our products will do for you. We also chose to highlight our methodology, the Graphical Path Method (GPM), in the top-level navigation. The GPM algorithm is the backbone of our products and allows users to develop intuitive schedules and improve schedule optimization and analysis. It allows for flexibility to move activities around freely instead of constantly adding and removing constraints. The schedule also instantly updates as you move the mouse, allowing for user collaboration, and float simulation is more realistic, an often unaccounted for risk. Those are just a few of the highlights you can learn more about while visiting the new website.

As an innovation leader, it is essential to make our thought leadership, services, and experience easily accessible to our customers. We provide visitors with the most accurate, up-to-date information and share our knowledge and expertise in the field of program and project management. We also added Insights to our top-level navigation to highlight sample schedules, articles, case studies, and presentations that demonstrate how we are true knowledge experts and innovators in our field.

We continue to offer free 30-day trials of NetPoint, NetRisk, and Schedule MD. No credit card is required. Our new design has simplified the purchasing process, and we have added an FAQ for licensing options.

We hope you like the changes, and if you have any feedback, please let us know on Facebook or Twitter.